The Salt Lake County Recorder’s Office is hiring new staff to keep up with a record number of real estate transactions.
The amount of records the office has processed jumped 43% last year, fueled by a booming real estate market and refinances. Already this year, the workload is up another 38%, according to Recorder Rashelle Hobbs.
That’s 10,000 to 15,000 more documents each month than two years.
Hobbs said the office is the busiest it’s ever been.
“We’ve had vacation blackouts,” she said. “We’ve been working overtime.”
Four new staffers are now getting trained, and four additional staffers could be hired later, with a focus on mapping skills that are key for processing new developments.
“We’re still working on Daybreak,” she said. “I think that required a full-time employee just in and of itself, and the new development that will be coming south, that all requires plats and recording and mapping.”
Hobbs said before the virus hit, 75% of her staff were already working remotely — which proved crucial to staying nimble during the pandemic.
Homeowners and home sellers would not notice any delays, she said, even when back-end processing has been strained.
We definitely have a thriving strong real estate market, and we are stretched thin and doing our best to keep up with it,” she said.