Allen Darrell & Sarah from Sizemore Steven J &Rebecca A, 872 Wright Ave, $68,700.
Gray Alan S & Michele E from Marteney Janet M, 767 S Lincoln Ave, $38,900.
Grimm Viriginia A & Paquette Michael L from Stanish Ronald D, 2471 Eastern Ave, $120,000.
Bethlehem Township
Brainerd John F II & Carrie D from Brainerd John F II & Carrie D &, parcel 10016092 Redmont St SW, $47,000.
Cvo Homes LLC from Mcarty Judy A, 5000 Sherman BLVD SW Lot 246, $10,000.
Mayberry Joseph A & Lisa A from Paulus Ralph E & April, parcel 1101010 Tanganyika Trl, $17,500.
Mcguire Lorraine Marie Trustee from Jaeger Steve & Sharon, parcel 1100785 Safari Trl, $8,200.
Reaves Gerald & Danita & Ramsey Jena from Conti Timothy & Theresa, parcel 1100242 Safari Trl, $9,600.
Reaves Gerald & Danita & Ramsey Jena from Conti Timothy L & Theresa M, parcel 1100243 Safari Trl, $9,600.
Wanner Terri J & Daniel W from Goodnite Nickolas & Danielle, 8806 Dolphin St SW, $377,000.
Canal Fulton
U.s. Bank Trust National Association from Highman Rachelle A, 163 Milan St S, $60,000.
Anderson Luke Jon & Annah from Ranalli Rachel A., 1717 Harvard Ave NW, $165,000.
Brady Michael C from Stutler Roger K & Sonia R Trustees, 1718 16th St NE, $24,000.
Canton Empire Assets LLC from Sibila Rick J, 1906 5th St NE, $18,500.
CBCB Holdings LLC from RT 7th LLC, 819 7th St NW, $80,000.
Cowan John P from Case Roger, 1737 24th St NW, $126,000.
Gerber Ryan Lee & Adrienne Joy from Macris Paula, 5215 Loma Linda LN NE, $247,500.
Graber Melissa S from Bubenchik Derek, 3028 13th St SW, $45,100.
Green Terrie G from Ayers Thomas A & Christine, 122 Aultman Ave NW, $180,000.
Hicks Rhonda from Fakelis Michael J & Stephanie A, 2119 31st St NW, $144,900.
Kell Michael T from Bonfine Shawn M & Natalie J, 219 14th St NW, $15,000.
Lakshmi Group LLC from Filliez Steve O, 1710 4th St NE, $16,000.
Martinez Jesus from Morrison Kenneth E, 1015 14th St NE, $32,500.
Mckean Mark Jason from Twin Creek Rentals LLC, 400 Broad Ave NW, $25,000.
Ramos Anthony from Habeger Ethan, 147 32nd St NW, $175,000.
Reikowski Michael J from Reikowski Susan C, 1523 11th St SW, $25,000.
Rocky Properties 3606 LLC from Fernandez Manny D, Trustee, 1811 Fremont PL SW, $42,000.
Roskoz Services LLC from Heavens Holdings LLC, 714 Michael PL SW, $23,400.
Roulston Mitchell & Danielle from Wahl David A & Rosanne E, 522 22nd St NW, $187,000.
So Will I Properties LLC from Thomas Scott J & Jennifer S, 1330 23rd St NE, $44,400.
the Huntington National Bank from Croston Delbert & Tracy A, 1622 St Elmo Ave NE, $18,000.
Umana Jesus Cisneros from Cerrato Anthony J, 2403 Harrisburg Rd NE, $51,000.
Umana Jesus Cisneros from Cerrato Anthony J, parcel 205784 Gage Ave NE, $51,000.
Warnick James & Caracillo Michael from Raber Jerald W & Kathleen L, 818 Benskin Ave SW, $98,000.
Canton Township
Young Eddie from Bradford Kara A, 704 39th St SW, $197,500.
Jackson Township
Albert Emily J & Simon Andrew v from Chaffman Sandra R & Aubiel Linda J, 6235 Hillfield St NW, $180,000.
BG Custom Homes Inc from Ohio Vedic Homes LLC, parcel 10004324 Springlake Rd NW, $129,500.
Boyd Logan Steven from Grandpa’s House LLC, 4541 Erie Ave N, $280,000.
Brown Roger & Gloria J from Brown Roger & Gloria J & Vinton Daniel L, 4242 Columbia Ave NW, $23,000.
Bucasso Rocco L from Caveslio Rita D, 3001 Jackson Ave NW, $204,000.
Daughtery Jessica Lynne from Frick Leigh Ann & Christopher, 5367 Blackthorne St NW, $236,500.
Dibbell Laurie & Stephen from Dobsch Connye M, 8263 Winterwood Ave NW, $260,000.
Evans Daniel K & Heather L from Wolfe Eric M & Renee J, 6268 Harbor Dr NW, $430,000.
Hedrick Mark & Anna Marie from Hedrick Faye M, 8981 Colton St NW, $89,101.
HP of Canton JV LLC from Makrina, LLC, 5421 Whipple Ave NW, $2,095,000.
Lutzko Rosemary A from Mchenry Rhonda M, 4072 Lindbergh Ave NW, $223,500.
Nadel Mark & Kimberly from Eaglowski Peter R & Lori K Co-Trustees, 3428 Stillwater Ave NW, $365,000.
Norris Richard Allen Jr from Newlon Gracie L, 6592 Pear Ave NW, $560,000.
Novak Daniel Edward & Alicia Loraine from Hawley Richard K, 5165 Echovalley St NW, $260,000.
Pizzino Roseanna from Greenfelder Gregreys & Leslie A, 8365 Beatty St NW, $310,000.
Willowdale Country Club from Willowdale Country Club Yingling Bryan, 186 Sycamore Dr NW, $650,000.
Lake Township
American Engineering & Metal Working Ltd from American Engineering & Metal Working Ltd, parcel 10016088 Meridian Cir NW, $200,000.
Boyt Candace from the Lake Woodland Properties LLC, parcel 10014169 Woodlands Glen Ave, $120,000.
Brown Nathan & Campbell Chelsea from Maarschalk Brian J & Crystal, 8960 Peterson Ave NE, $260,000.
Edwards Daniel Joseph & Ericka Jean from Wartman Jeffrey A &Sonya R, 2310 Sesame St NW, $265,000.
Maninga Hubert A & Pamela S from Schnee Phillip C & Patricia A, 13295 Cactus Ave NW, $305,000.
Nowlin David W & Maranda E from Donohew Christine D Trustee, 2965 Bebington St NW, $345,000.
Pisanelli Anthony M & Kelley L from Mottice Michael & Andrea, 11094 Trenton Rd NW, $358,500.
Schafer Andrea Lee from Abshire Cinda, 1714 Sonora St NW, $195,000.
Schler Cory S & Shannon M from Schafer Andrea L, 3756 Chickasaw Trl NW, $215,000.
Stalter Eric Shane & Jennifer Adel from Grindel Carolyn R, 220 Edwin St NW #334, $133,500.
Lawrence Township
Bayne Barbara from Swain Jeffrey M, 1 Michael Cir NW, $40,000.
Kalmar Dakota Joseph & Emily Grace from Bodollo Elizabeth M, 4707 Penbrook Ave NW, $265,000.
Lexington Township
Halverstadt Linda from Sunfish Investments LLC, 14362 Sturbridge Rd NE, $148,000.
Home Sweet Home Leasing Inc from Mayle Timothy A, 11811 State St NE, $20,000.
Garrott Aaron J & Sharayah K from Lou’s Retirement Properties Ltd, 1311 E Main St, $106,700.
Lappin Lori from Hartzell Diann Y, 1514 Monter Ave, $189,900.
Mccauley Kimberly L Ttee from Isla Robert & Mary D, 1695 Briarwood St, $275,500.
Walters Timothy W & Darla J from Rodak Josette M, 1330 Opal St, $150,000.
Marlboro Township
Burton Christa M Nka Rollins & Jason from Burton Helen Joyce, 5907 Nimishillen Church Rd NE, $295,000.
Hall Caleb R & Mcdonald Brooke M from Royer Melanie, 6701 St Peters Church Rd, $233,000.
Snyder Brett C & Brugmann Sarah M from Stearns Jessica L, 7778 Pontius St NE, $215,000.
Bealer Julie A from Woodliff Thomas & Mia, 835 Commonwealth Ave NE, $155,000.
Citizens Bank N.a. from Merritt Joel K, 1623 Massachusetts Ave SE, $82,000.
Flench Paulette Diane from Fouts Jeri K, 2880 Lauren Cir NW, $289,900.
Franklin Michael T from Mcbeth David K & Susan J, 823 Main Ave W, $74,200.
Hauf Robert A & Cinda Ann from Moody Joyce P, 1724 Lindbergh Ave NE, $165,500.
Kirkland Financial LLC from US Bank Trust Na as Trustee, 1349 Kracker St NW, $22,083.
KMB Property Investments LLC from Berner Steve M, 2324 Main Ave W, $48,950.
Lantzer Allija R from Dorman Ian Matthew & Taylor Allison Eliz, 1485 Gibson Ave SE, $190,000.
Lenz Hannah from Kopelakis Teresa M, 506 Wabash Ave SW, $85,000.
Patel Riyen & Divyanka from Smith Rosalee, 606 Wellman Ave SE, $63,775.
Schneider John G from Turpin Zaneta M, 1910 Stoner Ave NE, $179,500.
Smith Bonnie Lindsey from K S Yoak Enertprises LLC, 317 Arch Ave SE, $129,000.
Nimishillen Township
Benchmark Properties of Ohio Ltd from Marcantonio Anthonyr, 6405 Plum St, $75,000.
Snyder Alexis R from Taggart John J, 4044 Addison Ave, $159,900.
Wade Alec R & Guilbeau Josephine J from Puckett Randy & Mary A, 5449 Meese Rd NE, $855,000.
Woodcox Tara & Zachary from Harold Paul F & Janet Z, 3075 Nickel Plate Ave NE, $500,000.
North Canton
D’agnese Charles J & Dale S Ttees from Dilorenzo Salvatorep & Rosemary, 1856 Cheswold Cir NE, $335,000.
Durkin Joseph from Dimit Fern A, 475 Royer Ave NW, $165,000.
Fogle Lisa A Ttee from Buterbaugh David, 615 Werstler Ave NW, $185,000.
Gilpin Michael S & Erin E from North Canton Investments LLC, 212 Donner Ave NW, $157,000.
Johnson Robert P from Lewis Robert A II & Mary Kathleen, 515 Everhard Rd SW, $230,000.
Lindesmith James R & Carolyn K Ttees from Swager Richard E, 2000 Kingscote Cir NE, $322,000.
Spitale Vincent M & Linda K from Gill Jamie L, 1009 Fair Oaks Ave SW, $232,000.
Osnaburg Township
Knoy Zackery Tyler & Rene Elizabeth from Carney Clayton P, 255 Orchard St W, $215,000.
Perry Township
Bauman Brent D from Miller Gregory B & Hayley D, 4723 12th St SW, $170,000.
Creevey Jill A from Arenofsky Sharon A, 338 Roxbury Ave NW, $190,000.
Fitlife Properties LLC from Mayle Kenneth F II & Penny T, 5129 21st St SW, $57,000.
Lewis Bryan & Lisa from Holland Everett W & Betty L, 4823 17th St NW, $175,000.
Midfirst Bank from Miller Simon L & Sandra E, 3451 Southway St SW, $135,325.
Miller Roberta & Brian from Easterling Mavadell, 533 Genoa Ave NW, $250,000.
Miller Roberta & Brian from Easterling Mavadell, 553 Genoa Ave NW, $250,000.
Moore-Wright Jordan M & from Gnagy Garrett L, 4045 Whipple Ave SW, $135,250.
Russ Brian R from Sponseller Darren Lee, 4639 7th St SW, $168,600.
Pike Township
Kostenko George from Pipoly Valerie S Trustee, 5600 Briggle Ave SW, $885,000.
Plain Township
Alexander Wardell & Venecia Rolanda from Ippolito Joshua M, 6698 Leestone Ave NE, $330,000.
Buck Jerad & Stacy from Berner Loretta M Trustee, 3343 Alpine St NE, $210,000.
Earley Mark A from Holland Gretchen J, 2410 41st St NW, $55,000.
Heffelfinger Matthew from Albert Emily J & Simon Andrew v, 2917 Sharonwood Ave NW, $170,000.
J&J Home Improvements LLC from Benchmark Properties of Ohio Ltd, 3209 Easton St NE, $82,000.
Kalb Bailey Samuel from Francis Elise M, 1209 Spangler St NE, $120,021.
Kline Chad M & Brooke T from NVR Inc D/B/A Ryan Homes, 3321 Stoneleigh Rd NE, $443,845.
Kukla Judith & John from Lemos Rebecca S Trustee of the Zerbe Fam, 1835 Schneider St NW, $180,000.
Lamey Ronda R from Mcgeorge Properties Ltd, 4258 20th St NW, $133,500.
Lemmo Michael A & Annie E from Kee Donald E Jr & Miller Diane S, 1209 Shelley St NE, $130,000.
Meyers Lake Preserve Inc from Altimore Lenny L & Rhonda R, parcel 5201393 20th St NW, $70,000.
Mroczkowski Stefan Alexander from NVR Inc A Virginia Corporation, 1259 Southbrook Cir NE, $392,685.
NVR Inc., A Virginia Corporation, DBA from Mckinley Development Company Ltd, 3277 Boettler St NE, $72,000.
Rainvest LLC from Reikowsky James P, 4107 Guilford Ave NW, $256,500.
Riff Meredith from Lesh Properties LLC, 7040 Middlebranch Ave NE, $190,000.
Sigala Raymon & Hope from Neo Home Buyers Inc, 3204 Regent Ave NE, $138,000.
Spumantle Properties LLC from Shantytown Properties LLC, 3021 Regent Ave NE, $63,000.
Watts Matthew from Joy Dakota T, 2453 38th St NE, $130,000.
Zimmerman Catherine E from Tisevich Jack C & Rebecca L, 1933 Schneider St NW, $295,000.
Sugarcreek Township
Alaska Picker LLC from Smith Leon H & Evelyn M, 140 Main St E, $30,000.
DLC Holdings LLC from King Ralph L & Brenda K Co Trustees, 10621 Navarre Rd SW, $90,000.
Miller Norman J from Sax Ada M & Phillip D, 12815 Sandusky Dr SW, $230,000.
Yoder David J from Crank Ross, 430 2nd Ave SE, $157,600.
Yoder Firman & Nelson from Miller Leanna & Marcus, 400 4th Ave SW, $165,000.
Tuscarawas Township
Robertson Betsy & Tim from Henning Pamela J, 1292 Deermont Ave NW, $105,000.
Sandrock Linda from Draime Ronald L & Engell Janet L, 3125 Pigeon Run Rd SW, $140,000.
Washington Township
Miller Dakoda D from Tubbs Susan & Stipanovich Theodore Ttee, 3248 Union Ave NE, $212,000.