Jennie Brock Leghart sold property at 410 Camp Meeting Road to Carl Theodore and Grace Elizabeth Slesinski for $556,500.
Chad Thomas Braley sold property at 343 Frederick Ave. to Graham Gerlach for $560,665.
Michael Nobers sold property at 624 Ohio River Blvd. to Jeffrey Pickering for $133,900.
Robert Mackey sold property at 49 Woodland Road to Matthew and Amanda Lenhard for $1,225,000.
Sewickley Hills
Justin Alan James Schultz sold property at 153 Sweetwater Drive to Adam Kabulski et al. and Laura Kabulski for $610,500.
Real estate transactions provided by RealSTATs. Contact RealSTATs at 412-381-3880 or visit www.RealSTATs.net.