The Power is Now

Sewickley area real estate transactions for the week of Aug. 8, 2021 – TribLIVE

Bell Acres

Maronda Homes LLC sold property at 197 Witherow Road to Christopher and Melissa Lynn Ruddle for $750,000.


Dennis Shurmatz sold property at 316 Highland Ln to Jacqueline and Michael Stancil for $191,500.

John Casuccio sold property at 317 Nicholas Pl to Adrew and Micah Southwood for $205,000.


Mark Hitchins sold property at 231 Chestnut St. to Meridith and Peter Haralambakis for $317,500.

Kristian Patience sold property at 324 Logan St. to Marcy and William Bardenwerper for $534,150.

Craig Manuel sold property at 709 Washington St. to Pamela Daittillio and Susan Gulbranson for $560,000.

Real Estate Transactions provided by RealSTATs. Contact RealSTATs at 412-381-3880 or visit
