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Save the Date! ULI Philadelphia Annual Real Estate Forecast 2023 | ULI Philadelphia – Urban Land Institute

ULI Philadelphia Annual Real Estate Forecast 2023: Exploring Drivers of New Investment in Our Region


Save the Date! – Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

In-Person: World Live Café – 3025 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104

OR Virtually via Zoom

Public registration will open September 28th. If you are a current sponsor, please reach out to [email protected] to pre-register with your complimentary Forecast tickets.

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

23rd Annual Real Estate Forecast

Additional speakers to be announced

See details below

Event Description

Join ULI Philadelphia and local experts on November 15th for the 2023 Annual Real Estate Forecast.

We will explore new investment in the region and identify key regional drivers leading to that new investment. We look forward to hearing from leaders on what are considered to be the fundamental strengths of our local market, as well as the factors that are necessary to sustain economic growth in our region. The Emerging Trends in Real Estate report provides a national outlook on real estate investment, development trends, real estate finance and capital markets, property sectors, metropolitan areas, and other real estate issues. For 44 years PwC and ULI have jointly undertaken Emerging Trends in Real Estate®, a highly regarded and widely read forecast report. Our local panelists will discuss how these trends are playing out in the region across asset classes including the life sciences, multifamily, and industrial.

Real Estate Forecast Agenda

8:00AM – Breakfast & Networking

* Available to in-person attendees only

9:00AM – Welcome & ULI Remarks

9:05AM – Keynote Presentation

9:15AM – Local Trends Panel: What’s Driving New Investment in the Region?

9:50AM – Audience Q&A

10:10AM – ULI/PwC Emerging Trends in Real Estate®: National Report

Featuring Bill Staffieri, Partner, PwC

10:40AM – Audience Q&A

10:55AM – Closing Remarks

11:00AM – Coffee Hour & Networking

* Available to in-person attendees only

12:00PM – Adjourn

Viewing Options

In Person: Main Theater

Hear from speakers in the main theater. We kindly ask attendees to limit side conversations and silence their cell phones. All networking breaks will be with all in person attendees.

In Person: Screening Lounge

Prefer to continue your conversation or take a brief call? Select the screening lounge for a live simulcast ideal for multitasking. All networking breaks will be with all in person attendees.

Virtual: Watch from Wherever

Can’t make it in person? Register to watch via Zoom. Virtual broadcast will be available for the content portion of the morning, from 9am – 11am.

Due to capacity limits of each viewing option, they will be offered on a first come first served basis. Attendees who wish to change their viewing option selection should contact ULI customer service at least 72 hours in advance, by emailing [email protected]

Sponsorship & VIP Event Tickets

ULI Philadelphia’s programming and content is more important than ever. Align your brand with these critical conversations. Explore sponsorship and VIP ticket opportunities here.

ULI will reserve a block of sponsor tickets for current Annual and Event Sponsors through September 27, 2022, and then release all tickets to general registration. After this date, tickets are reserved/ sold on a first come, first serve basis. Click here to review the Annual Sponsor Guide for more details.

Thank you to our Forecast Event Sponsors!


