Register of Deeds William P. O’Donnell recently reported the increase seen in real estate activity in Norfolk County continued for the month of March.
March saw increases in a number of real estate indicators over the same time period in 2020.
“The Norfolk County real estate market continues to be vibrant,” O’Donnell said. “There were 19,892 documents recorded at the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds which is a 58% increase over last year’s March document volume. There were 1,672 deeds recorded out of this document volume, representing a 24% increase over March of last year. Average sale price, again including both residential and commercial sales, increased 27% over 2020 to $914,601.61. Last year’s March real estate numbers were at the beginning of the onset of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 emergency declarations so it is pleasing to see that the real estate market has rebounded from that unforeseen emergency.”
In addition to real estate sales, there were 5,423 mortgages recorded during the month which is a 69% increase over 2020. Total amount of money borrowed for mortgages countywide was over 2.2 billon, a 28% increase compared to March 2020.
“While some of the mortgages are due to purchases and sales of real estate, there are a large number of individuals and families taking advantage off historically low interest rates by refinancing existing mortgages,” O’Donnell said. “Individuals have different motivations to refinance. Some refinance to reduce their monthly payments, others to take some years off their debt while still others are using the money to pay for home improvements and other capital expenditures. There has been a strong demand for housing, single family housing particular, coupled with a limited supply of available housing stock and historically low interest rates which could be motivating buyers to do what is necessary to secure housing. Lending activity was up. The growth in numbers seen in 2020 continues into 2021.”
A moratorium on foreclosures in place during the pandemic in 2020 was lifted on Oct. 17, 2020. This moratorium was in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds has been closely watching the foreclosure market.
“During March of 2021 there were four foreclosure deeds recorded as a result of foreclosure processes taking place in Norfolk County,” O’Donnell said. “Additionally, there were 16 Notices to Foreclosure Mortgages, the first step in the foreclosure process, recorded here in Norfolk County. A foreclosure recording is very impactful on those being foreclosed on. These numbers are extremely low especially when you consider in March of 2020 just as COVID-19 was coming into play there were 51 Notices to Foreclosure Mortgages and 10 foreclosure Deeds. This month’s foreclosure numbers are higher than the previous few months. It is something to watch as the year progresses. The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds has also been working in close cooperation with Attorney General Maura Healey’s office to ensure there are no abuses being perpetrated against homeowners while the COVID-19 state of emergency is ongoing.”
Additionally, for the past several years, the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds has partnered with Quincy Community Action Programs, 617-479-8181, ext. 376, and NeighborWorks Housing Solutions, 508-587-0950 to help anyone facing challenges paying their mortgage. Another option for homeowners is to contact the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Consumer Advocacy and Response Division at 617-727-8400.
“If you are having difficulty paying your monthly mortgage, please consider contacting one of these non-profit agencies for help and guidance,” O’Donnell said.
Homestead recordings by owners of homes and condominiums continue to increase this year at the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds in March. There was a 23% increase in homestead recordings in March compared to March 2020.
“A Homestead provides limited protection against the forced sale of an individual’s primary residence to satisfy unsecured debt up to $500,000,” O’Donnell said. “It is great to see folks protecting the biggest asset most of us have, our homes. I would urge anyone who has not availed themselves of this important consumer protection tool to consider doing so.”
Visit the registry website at http://norfolkdeeds.org to get more information on homestead protection.
“Many small businesses and specific sectors of our economy, such as restaurant and hospitality, have been negatively impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” O’Donnell said. “One sector that has continued to thrive during the pandemic is the real estate market, particularly the residential market. There have been many factors that have kept the Norfolk County real estate market viable. Motivated buyers and sellers, low interest rates and the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds remaining open for the recording of land documents. While the Registry of Deeds building in Dedham remains closed to the general public, we at the registry remain open operationally to serve our customers, the residents of Norfolk County and real estate professionals alike. By listening to public health officials, practicing social distancing, making sure all staff are wearing masks and taking any and all other steps necessary, the Registry of Deeds has remained open for business. Land documents are being recorded electronically for many of our institutional users. We are also receiving documents via regular mail, Federal Express and from those placed in our drop-off box located just outside our main entrance at 649 High St., Dedham. As your Norfolk County Register of Deeds, I want to thank all of you for the cooperation, patience and understanding you have shown myself and the registry staff while this pandemic has been ongoing. Be healthy. Be safe.”
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The Norfolk County Registry of Deeds is located at 649 High St., Dedham. The registry is a resource for homeowners, title examiners, mortgage lenders, municipalities and others with a need for secure, accurate, accessible land record information. All land record research information can be found on the registry’s website http://norfolkdeeds.org. Residents in need of assistance can contact the Registry of Deeds Customer Service Center via telephone at 781-461-6101, or email us at registerodonnell@norfolkdeeds.org.