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Real Estate Transfers | News | – The Herald

Jon A Fleck, Denise Baglan, and Estate of Elfrieda I Fleck to Denise Baglan 1.256 acr part of NE NW 31 1S 4W with easement.

Kerstiens Homes and Designs Inc to Jayme M Schutz, Brookstone Estates VII lot 31.

Jason L St Clair to Jason L and Sarah A St Clair part of SW NE 3 3S 3W; part of NW SE 3 3S 3W.

Kristi R Ketzner, Timothy L Erny, and Cheri L Brosmer to Karen Erny and Carla Erny 0.86 acr part of NW NE 4 2S 5W.

Anthony L Shoreoering and Estate of Linda S Schroering to Matthew R and Bridget A Fleck 4.28 acr part of NE 34 1S 4W, E ½ with right of ingress and egress with exception; 3.32 acr part of SW NW 35 1S 4W, N ½ with right of ingress and egress.

Andrew L Hassfurther, Cynthia Hassfurther, and Darlene E Hassfurther to Darlene E Hassfurther Trust and Hassfurther Building and Remodeling LLC 10.726 acr part of NE SW 31 3S 4W.

Cade J and Lindsay E Knies to Cade J and Lindsay E Knies and Cade J and Lindsay E KniesJoint Trust UTD, Grassland Hills North lot 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Cecelia M Kleeman to Carl P Kleeman, Fairway Park First Addition lot 14 tract 1 and lot 13 part tract II.

Cecelia M Kleeman to Carl P Kleeman, McCrillus Second Addition lot 44 Tract I; tract II, E ½ of vacated alley between lots 44 and 45.

William J Scott to Kerry L and Sherry A Pfaff, Lakeside Estates lot 10.

Hulsman & Mehringer Properties LLC to DJS Properties LLC, Gutzweilers Fourth Addition lot 24 part, 35 ft off the N side; lot 25 part, 18 ft off the S side.

Curtis Lee and Constance Hall to Tara Eichmiller, Brent Hall, and Hall Family Irrevocable Trust 77.383 acr part of NW 9 1S 3W, N ½ with exceptions; 22.017 acr part of SW SW 4 1S 3W with exceptions.

Daniel Durcholz, Nichole Giesler, and Kenneth Durcholz to Daniel Durcholz and Nichole Giesler 40 acr NW NW 11 3S 5W.

Joseph J Seal (deceased) to Sue J Seal, Summit Heights lot 56 part, 57, and 60 part, 17 ft off N side.

Marcos T Ramirez to Kasey Wyatt Head, Huntingburg lot 34 part inlot and lot 35 part in lot.

Paulette Schilling, Donald Kempf, and Adeline V Matheis to Nicholas A and Lisa A Matheis part of NW NW 22 1S 3W; part of SW NW 22 1S 3W; containing 4.12 acres.

Jane A Stewart to Larry R Yarnell and Dianna L Hancock 1.08 acr part of NW SW 1 2S 3W.

Jeffrey S Mundy, John J Mundy, and Joni M Lynch to Nicholas P and Alexis L Herron, Leland Heights Addition lot 6.

MLDD Inc to Terry Brown 14.921 acr part of SW 9 3S 5W, W ½.

Stephanie K Taylor to PG Enterprises LLC 0.12 acr part of NE SW 26 1S 5W, E ½.

Carla Ann Hoffman, Rachel Marie Welp, and Marjorie Ann Knies to Perry L and Rachel M Welp and Benjamin Welp 0.55 acr part of NE SW 33 2S 4W with easement.

Dustin A Ingle to Tyler M Bartley and Sheila A Eckert lot 29 Badendorff Second Addition.

RGM Enterprise Inc to Singh Basra LLC, John R Mitchells Addition lot 1 block C; lot 2 block C.

Andrew J Fleck and Tara L (Wenzel Fleck) to Rances Gonzalez Hernandez and Rosabel Romancho Blanco, Golden Acres Estates II lot 24.

Dylan R and Kendall C Anderson to Robert and Kathy M Pfister 0.208 acr part of NW NW 1 2S 5W.

Phillip J Bromm to Jessie L Peters, Badendorff III lot 88.

Frank X Merkley, Gerald J Bartley and Gerald J bartley Testamentary Trust to Wesley J Baker,m Whispering Pines block N; release of life estate for Rosemary Bartley.

Denise A Merkley, Debra L Hagemeyer, Kenneth M Bartley and Estate of Rosemary Bartley to Wesley J Baker, Whispering Pines block N.

Timothy A Rainey to Timothy A and Erica J Rainey 5.31 acr part of NE SE 2 3S 6W.

Anthony L Shroering and Estate of Linda S Schroering to Jeremy D and Joni S Hopf 0.551 acr part of NE 34 1S 4W, E ½.

KFAM Partners LLC to City of Jasper 0.13 part of SE NE 1 2S 5W.

City of Jasper to KFAM Partners LLC part of SE NE 1 2S 5W; part of NE SE 1 2S 5W; 0.032 acr part of SE NE 1 2S 5W.

Clara E Eichmiller, Clara E Eichmiller 1999 Declaration of Trust and Martha Sanders to Jonathan D and Elizabeth A Walsh 1.95 acr part of SW SW 36 1N 5W.

Cassie Mae Lenahan and Estate of Duane J Eckerle to Joni M Blaker 0.5 acr part of SE SE 8 1S 5W; 0.1 acr part of SE SE 8 1S 5W.
