The Power is Now

Real estate transfers, January, 2022 | Latest News | – York News-Times

From Permanent York County record

Doc Stamps (D.S.) are based on $2.25 per thousand dollars.

Brock Franssen, also known as Brock H. Franssen and Michelle Franssen, husband and wife, to Melissa J. Strong, a single person, N55’ of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Original Town, City of York, AND N50’ of S100’ of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Original Town, City of York, D.S. $297.00.

Lichti Bros. Oil Co., Inc., a Nebraska Corporation, to, Chad Folkerts, Lot 1, Block 31, Original Town, City of York, D.S. $202.50.

Larry D. Heine, Trustee and Cynthia D. Heine, Trustee, to Greg P. Heine and Tricia A. Heine, husband and wife, IT 2, SW1/4 SW1/4, Section 12, Township 11 North, Range 2 West of the 6th P.M., York County, D.S. $348.75.

Margaret A. Spencer, a single person, to Brock H. Franssen and Michelle Franssen, husband and wife, Lot 1, Meadowlark Subdivision, City of Henderson, D.S. $580.50.

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Jimmy L. Spahr, Trustee, to Kelly A. Driewer and Marissa K. Driewer, SW1/4 except S1,336.84’ thereof, Section 20, Township 11 North, Range 2 West of the 6th P.M., York County, D.S. $1,575.00.

Timothy J. Gardner and Jean A. Gardner, husband and wife, to Peter L. Drake and Anne Frances Honeywell, husband and wife, part of Lot 4, Block 53, Original Town, City of York, D.S. $292.50.

Lowell G. Siebert and M. Shannon Siebert, husband and wife, to Kelby Ostrander, Lot 6, Block 6, Original Town of Henderson, except the N6” and the E10’ thereof, D.S. $90.00.

Tabitha L. Miller, a single person, to William J. Troutman and Kylee E. Troutman, husband and wife, W100’ of Lot 3, Block 38, Cheney’s Addition to New York, City of York, D.S. $9.00.

Brian D. Melby and Jody A. Melby, husband and wife, to Deborah L. Kurtzer and Kafani Williams, wife and husband, Lot 4, Block 39, Original Town, City of York, D.S. $380.25.

David W. Dye and Miranda L. Dye, husband and wife, to Karla S. Valdez, Lot 18 except the E40’ thereof, and all of Lot 17, Block 1, Harlan’s Subdivision, City of York, D.S. $254.25.

Cody M. Brown and Ashton Brown, husband and wife, to Alexander L. Gonzales and Robyn A. Gonzales, husband and wife, N60’ of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, except the W10’ of Lot 6, Block 8, Original Town, City of Henderson, D.S. $344.25.

Eugene P. Richards and Tina M. Richards, husband and wife, to Timothy John Laue and Denise Marie Laue, a married couple, Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, Block 46, Original Town, McCool Junction, D.S. $528.75.

Rudi Heinze and Yvonne G. Heinze, husband and wife, to Robert Henry and Audree Henry, a married couple, Lot 5, Block 39, Cheney’s Addition to New York, City of York, D.S. $276.75.

Steven B. Fillman, Personal Representative of the Estate of Duane E. Green, deceased, to Tacia White, Lots 15, 16, 17 & 18, Block 39, Original Town of McCool Junction, D.S. $371.25.

Meadow View Retirement Homes, a Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation, formerly known as Hearthstone Retirement Homes, to TREDJE LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, Lot 1, Block 1 in the Replat of Lot 4, Block 1, Hearthstone Addition, City of York, D.S. $36.00.

Jeremiah Wiemer, a single person, to Charity Steckly, a single person, Lot 17, Block 23, Original Town of New York, City of York, D.S. $123.75.

Brian Koehler to Clark Pickrel, a Cabin on Leased land, Lot 2, part SW1/4, Section 10, Township 9, Range 2 West of the 6th P.M., York County, D.S. $81.00.

Ron A. Saathoff and Julie L. Saathoff, husband and wife, to Travis Hallett, Lot 5, Block 1, Peters Sunrise Estates, City of York, D.S. $819.00.

Marin & Sons Real Estate, LLC, to Kyle Bailey and Pattie Bailey, husband and wife, Lot 1, except N60’ thereof; and Lot 2 except N60’ and the W55’ thereof; Block 3, Original Town, City of York, D.S. $288.00.

Ag Country Partners, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation, to Justin M. Brahmsteadt and Kristen Ann Brahmsteadt, husband and wife, Lots 7 and 8, Block 17, Original Town of Poston, now Village of Gresham, D.S. $213.75.

Adrian Acuna, a single person, to Mark C. Otte, a single person, Lot 24, Block 5, Academy Addition, York, D.S. $191.25.

Bob Coffin, Trustee of the SLVC Real Estate Trust, to Linda F. Wiley, Lot 14 except S9’ thereof, Block A, County Club Estates Subdivision, City of York, D.S. $504.00.

C.G. Holthus and Virginia B. Holthus, husband and wife, to Zachary C. Holoch and Courtney L. Holoch, husband and wife, Irregular Tract 2, S1/2 of Section 8, Township 10 North, Range 2 West of the 6th P.M., York County, D.S. $1,968.75.
