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Real Estate Litigation And Counseling Newsletter – March 2021 – Real Estate and Construction – United States – Mondaq News Alerts

United States: Real Estate Litigation And Counseling Newsletter – March 2021

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On behalf of Jenner & Block’s Real Estate Litigation and
Counseling Group, we are pleased to present this newsletter, which
is designed to inform lawyers and business leaders about key legal
developments affecting REITs, developers, brokers, investors,
contractors, tenants, and other real estate industry participants.
In this edition, we cover the following topics:

  • COVID-19 Lease Disputes: Courts refuse to
    exempt tenants from rent obligations based on common law and
    contractual defenses raised by tenants
  • Landlords and Tenants: Third Circuit overturns
    dismissal of Landlord’s allegations of fraud by Tenant
  • Purchasers and Sellers: Delaware Chancery
    permits purchaser of $5.8 billion hotel portfolio to back out of
    deal where hotel operations changed in light of pandemic
  • Lenders and Borrowers: Illinois Appellate
    Court holds LLC responsible for $120 million guaranty of
    construction financing

We also provide a summary of the current commercial foreclosure
and eviction moratoria.

To read the full newsletter, please click here.

Originally published March 1, 2021

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.

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