The Power is Now

Real Estate investors all claim THIS being the secret behind their success! – Delaware Business Times


Jordan Morgan is an entrepreneur from Delaware who grew up going through hardship, but remained driven and consistent.

Leading to the success of his Real Estate Investing business he has created companies that do everything from acquiring properties direct to seller all the way to a contracting company that does the work on them.


Jordan has designed his businesses so he can grab a piece of the action on all transactions he and his family partake in.  


With this model he and his family have built a portfolio of almost 50 rental doors in the last 2 years! (with another 20 lined up over the next 90 days)


All the while helping to revitalize the city of Wilmington, DE through their combined efforts. 


As a native he set his sights on revitalizing his hometown with his family by injecting quality Real Estate Investment opportunities into the local economy that the city can be proud of. 


Wanting to expand, he set on a mission to provide quality housing in all areas in the city and change the narrative that certain parts of the city most investors won’t touch. Jordan and his family have renovated quite a few houses in Wilmington’s Eastside and set the bar for what other investors should strive for in bringing the city back to life.


Sharing the very thing that led to his success, he has launched a speed networking event that goes live the 18th of this month at the Chase Center on the riverfront.

Jordan created this event to help connect the dots for people who haven’t started or those who have and want to get with like-minded individuals & experts in proximity to each other. 


Jordan can attest that his secret to success has been the power of networking. Starting out he has struggled in one of the biggest pieces of investing that everyone getting started runs into – capital funds to invest with. 


All the while, validating his actions and strategies has been a long road that’s turned into a proven process.


Especially without having a network of experts that were willing to help, teach and walk him through the investment process. 


Building that network has taken his game to the next level and he wants to recreate that for others, and shorten the learning curve even more. 


Like Jordan says “ There is a big difference between investing into real estate… and investing into real estate that actually makes you money (wouldn’t you agree?).”


So by positioning yourself as an expert, leveraging your network and learning how to generate deals that get people to move, you are able to guide people through the process, giving them AND yourself the results they are looking for.


He hopes to see you all at the top with him this 18th of February!


You can find Jordan and some of the work his team has done in the city of Wilmington, Delaware on Instagram @Jordanmorgan.

Get your tickets for the event at
