The residential real estate market remains a seller’s dream. More homes sold last year than in any year since 2006 — and the market shows no sign of slowing down.
Find out how you can take advantage of this market — or prepare to do so in the future — by speaking to a REALTOR® at BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES McNelis Group Properties.
Take advantage of their expertise — and experience
Get advice on renovations, repairs and improvements. A REALTOR® knows where to get the most bang for your buck. A REALTOR® knows if repainting the house is worth it or if a complete kitchen makeover will bring in more money than was spent. And they’ll happily share what they’ve learned with you.
Gain access to their network
From mortgage brokers to home inspectors and interior designers to plumbers, your REALTOR® knows the best people to work with in your area. A resource list that would take you years to build — and likely a few bad experiences — is at their fingertips. And they’re ready to share that list with you.
Decide if now is a time to invest in residential — or commercial — properties
Even though it’s a seller’s market, opportunities do exist to buy an undervalued home; flip it and turn a tidy profit. REALTORS® keep an eye out for when these properties hit the market — and keep a list of potential buyers they know are poised to take advantage.
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES McNelis Group Properties serves Calvert, St. Mary’s, Charles, Anne Arundel and Prince Georges counties and has offices on Solomons Island and in Dunkirk.
BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES McNelis Group Properties has 48 licensed REALTORS® at the ready to help you take advantage of one of the hottest markets in more than a decade.
Find your REALTOR® at mcnelisgroup.com
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