Welcome Realtist to 2015. May God bless you to have a prosperous year and that He provides you all that you need to achieve your goals this year. God has blessed many of us to see 2015 and I am grateful that he has kept me and my family safe, healthy and prosperous in 2014. The Frazer Family gives Him all the credit. I am also thankful to have celebrated 33 years of marriage. I am truly blessed and hope to have a wonderful and prosperous 2015.
I am also grateful for the people God placed in my life as result of my participation in the real estate and lending business and most significantly NAREB and the Orange county Chapter. Having been the President of our chapter since its inception has not been easy but I would do it all over again if asked. I am the founding President of the Orange Chapter and the President again this year. Hopefully this will be my last year because someone will step up to lead us in 2016.
As we begin a new year as a Chapter I want to pay a special tribute to Henry Currie, III our NAREB Regional Vice President for Region 15 who passed away last year. Henry was my friend. He was a highly intelligent man, great organizer and leader, sharp dresser and had a charismatic personality and smile that was contagious. You could help but be positive around Henry Currie. He was my confidant and advisor during the most difficult times in running the chapter, my mentor and leader in NAREB. Henry played a major role in establishing the NAREB Orange County Chapter and had been committed to NAREB mission and vision from the very beginning of his involvement in NAREB. He was instrumental in establishing many chapter in California and has been recognized by State Association and National Association for his commitment and hard work. The Orange County Chapter would not exist it if were not for Henry Currie’s assistance and leadership. May God Bless Henry Currie III and his wonderful wife and family.
Realtist, we have been bless to see another year. So what are we going to do with it? Please review the OC Realtist Business Plan for 2015 and get all the details. It is available on the website home page under Event Presentations. Please attend our General meetings which are available online and by teleconference. You do not have to leave your office or home to attend an OC Realtist Meeting. Check the website for the latest dates and times.
One of the most important events and traditions we have as a Realtist Chapter is our Prayer Breakfast. The Prayer Breakfast has been going on since our inception as a chapter on August 4, 2010. We begin every year with a Prayer Breakfast asking for God’s help and we end the year thanking him for His help and provisions all year long. Our local chapter, state chapter and National Organization membership consist mostly of Christians and we are unashamedly unapologetic about our Christian Faith. We are not a church but we recognize God and begin all of our meetings in prayer. We are community organization focus on homeownership and we respect and honor all religions and faiths and we embrace all ethnicities and races.
On January 23rd we had our annual Prayer Breakfast to kick off the new year at the Celebrity Soul Food Cafe in Lake Forest, CA. Our theme for the Prayer Breakfast is the same every year: Purpose, Passion, Peace and Prosperity. The details are on the website at www.ocrealtist.org. It was a wonderful event that included installing our 2015 officers of the chapter.
Please join us also on February 25th from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM for our Black History Luncheon from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Celebrity Soul Food Cafe in Lake Forest and on March 19th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for a Networking Mixer with with Nancy West, HUD Outreach Coordinator who will provide a HUD update and Ray Warda BLB Outreach Director who will provide an update on Selling HUD Home. The location has not been determined but time and date is confirmed.
In addition, we are scheduling financial literacy seminars, and first time home buyer seminars at churches and community centers in Orange County. As soon as the dates are set we will let you know. Below are some important events happening nationally:
Please plan to attend the NAREB Mid Winter Conference in Florida at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay February 19th to 21st. 2015.
Realtist Week April 12, 2015 — April 18, 2015. All Day All Chapters nationwide
National Conference August 17, 2015 — August 21, 2015 OMNI Houston Hotel
2015 Housing Policy & Hispanic Lending Conference from March 30 – April 1, 2015 at the Fairmont Hotel Washington, DC Georgetown.
2015 NAHREP National Convention & Latin Music Festival Chicago Hilton September 20 September 20 – 22, 2015
Annual Global Luxury Summit in Chicago IL April 19th 2015 to April 21st
Hong Kong & Macau Trade Mission March 9, 2015 to March 15, 2015
National Policy Conference May 11, 2015 to May 13, 2015 Washington, DC
2015 National Conference October 22, 2015 to October 24, 2015 San Francisco, CA
NAR www.realtor.org
REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo: May 11 – May 16 in Washington, DC
Leadership Summit: Aug. 10 – Aug. 11 in Chicago, IL
REALTORS® Conference & Expo: Nov. 13 – Nov. 16 in San Diego, CA
CAR www.car.org
CALIFORNIA REALTOR® EXPO is the premier trade show for California’s real estate industry. Our next event will take place October 6-8, 2015 in San Jose, CA.
Inman News www.inman.com
Real Estate Connect New York City January 27 to 30, 2015
Five Star https://www.thefivestar.com/#/home
The 2015 Five Star Conference and Expo. September 16-18, 2015. Dallas, Texas
Community Events:
11TH ANNUAL NAACP LEADERSHIP 500 May 21-24, 2015 • Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel 9939 Universal Blvd., Orlando, FL
ANNUAL CONVENTION 106th Convention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania July 11-15, 2015
IMAGE AWARDS Pasadena Civic Auditorium 300 E. Green Street Pasadena, CA 91101 Date LIVE! Friday, February 6, 2014 on TV One
Make sure to mark your calendars for these events and visit the respective websites to register as soon as possible to save money on registration and hotel cost. Finally, please renew your membership in OC Realtist Chapter. The opportunities to grow your business by joining us are increasing steadily each year. If you are not a member please visit our website at www.ocareb.org/joinnow and join us today.
May God richly bless you in 2015.