The Power is Now

Welcome to the blistering heat of the summer and the even hotter real estate market with its ever changing trends. The buying and selling season is finally upon us, or at least it will be soon. All are abuzz with decisions from Greece’s economic dive into despair, the Federal Reserve, crooked unemployment numbers, and the CFBC. The mortgage industry is frantic, nearing frenzy as reverse mortgage loans as well as other mortgage loans such as SBAs wreak havoc across the nation. Meanwhile, the wounded real estate market is just trying to get back to its feet and run. Unfortunately, fall will be upon us before the real estate market is running marathons. If the Federal Reserve has its way; interest rates will be running faster than the average American’s budget can keep up with.

As the ever loved conference season descends upon the real estate industry, the anticipation only increases. The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) has proudly announced their conference from August 17th to the 21st. This conference theme is “Homeownership… Priority #1” as the NAREB focuses their attention to communicating the lack of homeownership in the African American community. The National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) will have their convention in September from the 20th to 22nd to feature the idea of the Hispanic real estate community taking on Chicago. There will be a Latin music festival alongside this fantastic conference to bring the Hispanic real estate community into the public eye. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) will be featuring their conference in Ruidoso, New Mexico August 26th-28th. The theme of this conference will be “Strength Through Unity” to bring the realtors across the nation together. The Asian Real Estate Association of America is having their conference in San Francisco from October 22nd-24th with the theme “Gateway to Our Future” to reflect on how far the organization has come.

These prestigious associations are ready to bring their expertise, efficiency, and know-how to encourage real estate professionals and investors to aggressively pursue the unlimited opportunities in the real estate market. Attending as many conferences as possible will not only make an impression with your clients, but you will also gain important knowledge about the industry that will help you grow your business. Knowledge is the power you need to change direction if necessary to achieve your goals. The ability to adapt to change and to be a change agent within your business model is where your real power lies. Change lives in the present. It never sees the future, which is why the power to change is now! So go and be a change agent. The OC Realtist and The Power Is Now is here to support you.

Within this issue of OC Realtist you will find pages bubbling with information such as the negative, tiring aspects of timeshares and the moving in of lifestyle renters. Renting is indeed a lifestyle for those who choose not to buy, but it is not a good strategy for building wealth. I would rather pay my own mortgage than my landlord’s mortgage. The cover highlights Ron Cooper, the President Elect of the NAREB and the CEO of R.S. Cooper & Associates Real Estate Firm. Mr. Cooper will be inaugurated as President of NAREB at the NAREB national convention on August 21st. We wish Mr. Cooper great success during his term. Christophe Choo, the high profile real estate broker in the Platinum Triangle and HGTV special guest, is also spotlighted as the VIP Real Estate agent. Mr. Choo is Power Agent who has truly earned his way to the top of his field.
Both of these accomplished brokers were interviewed in the exclusive radio show on The Power Is Now Radio. Please feel free to listen to their respective shows and get an insight of what it takes to be on top and stay at the top in the real estate business.

The OC Realtist and The Power Is Now Team would like to thank all of our readers and listeners for their continued support and companionship on the journey towards knowledge, and success in business and life. Remember, you have the power to change your life, because The Power Is Now.

Eric Lawrence Frazier M.B.A
President & CEO
