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We often hear clients say, if you pick the right partner for
your real estate joint venture (JV), then the JV agreement can go
in a drawer at closing. But with potential challenges on the
horizon, now is the time to dust it off, and refresh your memory
about what was agreed to on important issues such as capital
contributions and control. Our recent article in Law360 explores
these issues in a bit more detail.
{ Now as much as ever, in the face of recent
reports assessing the risk of a recession, and related news and
trends indicating potential economic headwinds such as inflation,
rising interest rates, labor shortages, supply chain constraints,
capital markets uncertainty and geopolitical risks, it will be
helpful for sponsors and capital partners to understand their
protections and exposures under their existing real estate JV
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.
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