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Must-Do Courses for Beginner Real Estate Investors – RealtyBizNews

Real estate is an excellent investment — but only if you know what you are doing. Knowledge and understanding are critical for building success as a real estate investor, but the traditional avenues for gaining such skill, i.e. buying a bunch of real estate and seeing what sticks, can be time-intensive, laborious and incredibly costly.

Fortunately, courses are a fast-track for gaining the information and abilities you need to be a competent real estate investor. Here are a handful of must-do classes you can use to boost your real estate investment skills and see more success sooner.

Real Estate Analysis Fundamentals

If you aren’t yet certain which type of real estate you want to invest in, you might start with an analysis fundamentals course. Beginners often have a hard time determining which properties are ripe for investment, what market conditions to track, and when and where to expand their portfolio. While you could learn the basics of real estate from a book, it is often more rewarding to participate in a class, where you can benefit from the knowledge and experience of a real estate expert.

Single Family Real Estate Investment

If you are like most investors, you’ll likely have some experience with single-family real estate after buying your first home. Thus, you might feel most comfortable building on this experience by acquiring more single-family properties for investment. However, investing in this real estate isn’t exactly the same as buying single family real estate for personal use. You will likely find it useful to enroll in a course about single-family real estate investment to teach you how to look for an investment-worthy property, how to manage a single-family portfolio and more.

Multifamily Real Estate Investment

Multifamily real estate might seem daunting, considering its higher price tag and larger footprint, but multifamily properties can be enticing to investors looking to grow their portfolio quickly. Typically, multifamily investments generate exceedingly strong cash flow, thanks to multiple rents collected every month. A multifamily real estate course will help you identify multifamily properties worth investment, and it could also help you avoid the expense of property management services, which can exhaust a good amount of your profits.

Commercial Real Estate Investment

Investing in commercial real estate is a big step for many real estate investors, and it is one that few regret. Commercial real estate tends to come with higher income potential as well as less competition, which makes it easier to acquire properties that are going to boost your portfolio. Yet, the world of commercial real estate is vast and complex, which can make it daunting to beginner investors. A short  online real estate course focusing on commercial real estate will give you the tools to analyze commercial properties and thrive as a commercial real estate investor.

Wholesaling Real Estate Investment

Once you gain confidence as a real estate investor, you might consider entering the world of wholesaling. Real estate wholesaling involves buying and selling a property in one fell swoop; wholesalers contract a property with a seller and find an interested party to buy it at a higher price before that contract comes to fruition. Essentially, wholesalers are middlemen with networks of buyers eager and ready to make purchases. Wholesaling can be incredibly lucrative, but you need to have a firm understanding of how the market works, which means enrolling in a course dedicated to real estate wholesaling.

Real Estate Financial Modeling

Financial modeling is a tool for understanding your finances past, present and future. Real estate investors rely heavily on financial models to help them find properties worthy of investment and optimize the performance of properties in their portfolios. While plenty of financial modeling takes place within tools you already have, like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, a class on financial modeling will help you understand how to build a financial model that works for you.

Real Estate Syndication

When a group of real estate investors pool their knowledge, skills, resources and capital to purchase a property, they become a real estate syndicate. When considering real estate syndication, you need to make a choice about your role: Do you want to be an investor, who owns part of the property, or do you want to be the syndicator, who scouts, secures and manages the property while gaining a hefty commission? Before you get involved in syndication, you should spend some time learning the laws and processes that affect it, which means finding a related course.

You need to know what you are doing to find success as a real estate investor. While time and experience can give you the knowledge and skill you need, it is much faster and safer to take a few courses before you dive into the complex world of real estate.
