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Hunt Real Estate moving to new location in Batavia – The Daily News Online

BATAVIA — In roughly two to three months, Hunt Real Estate ERA will hopefully be ready to do business in its new home at 97 Main St., its chairman and CEO said Tuesday.

“We should be starting on the renovations as soon as this week, at the vary latest next week,” said Hunt Real Estate ERA Corporation Chairman and CEO Peter Hunt said. “We’ll move into that building as soon as we possibly can.”

Hunt said the general contractor, Lamparelli Construction Company Inc. of Buffalo, is ready to get going.

“There’s going to be subcontractors and materials that have to be assembled. We’ve been working on that already … You never know exactly how long a project is going to take,” he said.

Architecture work at the new site is done, Hunt said and cutting and redesigning in the structure is next, he said. The building still has “BANK OF GENESEE” on the front of it.

“I closed on the building in December, but we’ve been working on it for months before that,” Peter Hut said. He said the company looked at similar buildings and talked to building owners and developers that have done similar work on their buildings to try to learn from them.

“It was last used as a storefront, basically. It’s completely inappropriate for our usage,” he said. “I believe it’s around 2,000 (square feet), possibly a little more than that. The office will be on one floor. It’ll be a very contemporary looking entry and reception area. There will be private and semi-private office space for our sales professionals, conference rooms and there will also be a breakrooms and also men’s and ladies’ rooms.”

Ultimately, there will be more than Hunt Real Estate space in the building.

There’s two floors above it. We will building those out as apartments, probably starting towards the end of the year. We’re focusing on the office for now,” Hunt said. “It’s very cool space — high ceilings, beautiful windows, We think they’re (the apartments) going to be beautiful places to live.”

Living on Main Street, residents will be within walking distance of services. It’s a nice lifestyle, he said.

Hunt Licensed Association Real Estate Broker and Branch Director Michelle Schlossel said the plan is to have a modern look as far as furnishings.

“We’re still picking them out. We haven‘t really chosen the final colors. We’re doing that next week,” she said.

Schlossel said the building at 97 Main has been her favorite in all of Genesee County.

Why is the company moving? How many people work at the location at 5 Jackson St.?

“Just the look of it, the architecture of it — it’s got the old depository on the side of the building. I think it makes a perfect real estate office,” she said. “It’s a historical bank, part of Genesee County. I’ve been in real estate for 20 years, I’ve been managing for 15. I’ve always loved that building.”

It’s also exciting to move into downtown, Schlossel said.

Hunt has been in its current location at 5 Jackson St. since February, she said.

“This has always been just a temporary (space),” Schlossel said.

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