As commercial real estate investment professionals, we’re called on to make wise decisions, yet we’re awash in often meaningless and contradictory information that passes for “data.” But how to sort the wheat from the chaff? How to form an integrated perspective that galvanizes investor interest and enables action, and most importantly, results? During this three-part course, Yardi Matrix Vice President Jeff Adler will help you identify the best information to use and evaluate it more critically, drawing on extensive real estate investment experience and access to comprehensive real estate data and analysis.

This executive education program offered by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design will address:
- Secular trends driving demand in housing and where to source the data to demonstrate it.
- COVID-induced migration patterns and the changing nature of “office” work.
- Market and asset identification strategies leveraging commercially available datasets.
- Speeding up underwriting cycle times: the hidden cost of inflexibility.
- Understanding the macroeconomic and cost of capital context, including inflation/deflation.
Real Estate Data to Investment Decisions:
Changing Work Locations & US Housing
December 1, 3 & 6, 2021 from 11 am-1 pm ET
Online (Zoom)
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