We should all take goal setting very seriously. It is not only important to have and set goals but to see the goals as stepping stones or milestone to even greater and more significant goals for our life. The goals must be clearly understood as to what it means in the grand scheme of who we are without knowing who we might become.
A goal can be an impediment to achieving our potential if our mindset is that the goal represents our highest ambition. We are such complex souls that we do not and cannot fully understand what we are capable of achieving until we achieve the goals we set and only then can we question if the goal was challenging enough. Why? Because our vision for ourselves cannot be a real assessment of our capabilities, but an interpretation of our capabilities from our past experiences. These interpretation are bias and may be limiting because of our history and concrete existential reality. That realty may embolden us to go further or makes us fearful and shrink back.
Our sense of what we can accomplish is fueled by a belief systems that is otherworldly, a kind of third eye that empowers us to push the constraints of our natural abilities and accomplish ed aamazing and supernatural things. This ability is rarely seen by the individual but by coaches or mentors who are able to see the individual’s mental blocks in which a break through can only happen by setting milestones to be achieved incrementally and not goals. A goals that speak to one ultimate ambition convey something that is subtle and sinister, namely that more cannot be achieved or that the goal or goals represents the end of our capability.
So be careful how you set goals. Set milestones towards pursuing your greatness because only God knows what you are fully capable of and a great coach can help you get there.