Redneb Builders Inc. to Chris Sintek a/k/a Christopher Sintek and Cory Sintek, 2811 E. Brooks Hollow Drive, Fremont, $525,000.
Lonny Niewohner and Tamara Niewohner to Lonny Niewohner and Tamara Niewohner, trustees, 1381 County Road I, Scribner.
Russel and Joyce Uehling to Uehling Rural Fire Department, Lot 1, Fire Station Addition, a part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 20 North, Range 8 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County, $15,750.
Randall Peck to Skylar Aegerter and Chelsea Aegerter, 1015 Eastwood Drive, Fremont, $410,000.
Debra Jean Bonsack f/k/a Debra Jean Bates and Rod Bonsack to Tyler Mallett and Charlee Lorsch, 1835 N. Clarkson St., Fremont, $191,000.
Reyna Monteagudo and Marlon Eli Monteagudo Cardona to Rolland J. Charter, 830 N. M St., Fremont, $190,000.
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Cletus B. Rolf c/o Betty A. Mandel to Russell J. Langhorst, 417 N. Spruce St., Dodge, $184,000.
Donald L. Lerdahl and Susan A. Lerdahl to Rolando E. Lopez and Dudy E. Rosales, and Henry S. Escobar, 140 E. 16th St., Fremont, $61,000.
Haley Stone and Mica Wiseman to Carlos Sanchez and Yolanda Gutierrez, 1611 N. Garfield St., Fremont, $203,000.
Michael P. Holman and Phyllis L. Holman to Joseph Means and Geraldine Means, 3144 Peterson Ave., Fremont, $395,000.
LaRae A. Plessing, trustee of the Marvin and LaRae Plessing Living Trust dated April 11, 2008, to LaRae A. Plessing, Jerald E. Plessing, Gayle Krueger and LuAnn Rabe, the northwest quarter of Section 14 and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 11, all in Township 20 North, Range 8 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County.
Elaine R. Pokorny by Karen J. Kavan, her attorney-in-fact, to Shelley Jo Kirk, 2038 E. 28th St., Fremont, $345,000.
Fremont Area Land Co. LLC to Creative Properties LLC, Replat Morningside Pointe Addition, Lots 3, 4, 7 and 8, Block 3, Fremont, $124,000.
William J. Bolden and MaryLynne Bolden to William J. Bolden and MaryLynne Bolden, co-trustees of the William J. Bolden and MaryLynne Bolden Joint Trust dated Aug. 23, 2022, 2626 Brentwood Drive, Fremont.
Scott A. Brannon to MI Bonita LLC, Lot 4, Cambridge Square 2nd Addition, Fremont, $160,000.
Rosco5 LLC to MI Bonita LLC, the north 104 feet of the north 300 feet of the south 383 feet of the east 172 feet of the west half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 12, Township 17 North, Range 8 East of the 6th P.M., Fremont, $95,000.
Larry D. Steffensmeier to Danny D. Madsen, Kelly J. Madsen and Shane Madsen, a tract of land being part of Tax Lot 15 and Tax Lot 16, located in part of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter in Section 11, Township 17 North, Range 6 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County, $39,000.
Lori A. Hansen, personal representative of the estate of Steven C. Dahl, to BPA Nebraska LLC, 521-523 E. Fifth St., Fremont, $205,000.
Skylar E. Aegerter and Chelsea Aegerter to Gregory Rose, 1805 N. Union St., Fremont, $186,000.
O. Verner Ankersen and Janet M. Ankersen to Steve J. Hansen and Sally Ann Hansen, 830 N. Grant St., Fremont, $174,000.
Gabrielle B. Luna, Kristen Hartley and Richard Ingalls to Gabrielle Luna and Mikal Coleman, 351 W. 14th St., Fremont.
AB Report Owner II LLC to EMR Applebee’s NE LLC, 3420 Elk Lane, Fremont, $2,335,373.
James Menking and Dorothy Menking to Trude Ayers, 1437 Grant St., Fremont, $216,000.
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