Safe Harbour EAT – XLIII LLC to Nazir Petroleum LLC, 2010 N. Bell St., Fremont.
Val Gene Alberts and Cynthia A. Alberts, Del Ray Alberts and Cathy Coufal Alberts, and Dean Carroll Alberts and Kim Alberts to Byron D. Alberts, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, all lying in Section 9, Township 20 North, Range 6 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County, $645,750.
Mileidy D. Moran Aceituno to Charlotte C. Coe, 1649 N. Hancock St., Fremont, $210,000.
Kevin D. Stara and Elizabeth E. Stara to Stara Properties LLC, 12496 E. Ninth St., Fremont.
Kyle Thomas and Abby Thomas to Terry A. Poland and Elizabeth A. Altman, 2912 Palmer Drive, $340,000.
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Cory Sintek and Chris Sintek to CCS Rentals LLC, 2265 N. Aaron Way, Fremont.
The Ritz Lake LLC to Chris A. Rump and Patricia L. Rump, Lot 8, Block 2, Ritz Lake Replat 7, an addition to the City of Fremont, $70,000.
Cruz Ralphel Melgoza and Lacey Lynne Reese to Mileidy D. Moran Aceituno and Esteban Hernandez Ambriz, 2049 Teakwood Drive, Fremont, $350,000.
Thomas A. Cerny and Lynda L. Cerny to Heather McCurdy and Braden McCurdy, 640 Locust St., North Bend, $235,000.
Wayne R. Wagner and Marilyn F. Wagner to Jared Sampson and Marsha Sampson, 3226 Marian Lane, Fremont, $399,000.
Joy E. Shanahan to Dave Hadaway and Melodee Hadaway, 1650 County Road S, Ames, $249,000.
Marilyn A. Jaworski to Christopher D. Henrichson and Michelle J. Henrichson, 1210 N. Howard St., Fremont, $361,000.
Starlight Leasing LLC to James Pycha and Tadessa Pycha, 405 Eighth St., Scribner, $140,000.
Joseph Anthony Means and Geraldine Anne Means to Joy E. Shanahan, 2929 Dale St., Fremont, $265,000.
Nancy Brown, personal representative of the estate of Isabelle L. Peterson f/k/a Isabella L. Schroth, deceased, to Hutton Properties LLC, 337 N. Grant St., Fremont, $105,000.
Mona F. Cooper to Claire A. Parr, 121 Fifth St., Uehling, $140,000.
Michael J. Tawney, trustee of the Charlotte F. Tawney Revocable Trust dated July 6, 2008, to Gene L. Blank and Patricia Blank, 1538 Brewer Drive, Fremont, $330,000.
Jared S. Sampson and Marsha E. Sampson to LeRoy Keller and Carol Keller, 1406 W. Ninth St., Fremont, $250,000.
Nancy L. Wirka to Michael Merryweather and Linda Merryweather, 140 W. 11th St., North Bend, $72,500.
Keith A. Huizenga and Barbara J. Huizenga to Terrance Steinhart and Janelle Steinhart, 1026 Skyline Drive, Fremont, $365,000.
Nancy Jo Waage to James Edward Vorous, 1640 E. Cuming St., Fremont, $120,000.
Janelle R. Steinhart and Terrance N. Steinhart to Donna Menke, 344 N. Maple St., Fremont, $250,000.
Jerad J. Chvatal and Kerri A. Chvatal to Jessica Timm, 340 E. Ninth St., North Bend, $215,000.
Dina L. Workman and Randall D. Workman to S & W Investments LLC, 351 N. Clarmar Ave., Fremont, $120,000.
Linda Sangar to Shawn Sanger and Jill Dames, the south half of the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 4, Township 19 North, Range 6 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County, together with an easement for ingress and egress across the north half of the west half of the northeast quarter of Section 4, Township 19 North, Range 6 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County; and the west half of the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 20 North, Range 6 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County.
Shawn Escamilla, as trustee of the testamentary trust set forth in the last will and testament of Mary Ann Bauer dated Aug. 9, 2016, to Jacob Lanphear, 1635 N. Broad St., Fremont, $220,000.
Pamela A. Petersen to Mark L. Voss and Shawna R. Voss, 616 W. Eighth St., Fremont, $118,000.
Gene C. Gocken and Katherine L. Gocken to Jose Nimaja Aguilar and Manuela Aguilar Aguilar, 2664 Seaton St., Fremont, $150,000.
Allan J. Dlouhy and Kathi D. Dlouhy to Michael R. Bourek and Sara R. Bourek, 731 W. Seventh St., North Bend, $160,000.
Triple Treat Vending LLC to Beem LLC, 255 S. Bell St., Fremont, $200,000.
Wendy R. Klahn, personal representative of the estate of Dennis L. Mittelstaedt, deceased, to Wendy R. Klahn, Allan L. Mittelstaedt, William A. Poole and Sarah M. Busch, 145 Pershing Rd., Fremont.
Lyle D. and Gloria L. Kurrelmeyer to Lyle and Gloria Kurrelmeyer, 1409 Missouri Ave., Fremont.
Lois Pilmore, personal representative of the estate of Debra A. Pruss, to Richard J. Pruss, an undivided one-quarter interest in a tract of land located in the northwest quarter southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 20 North, Range 5, East of the 6th P.M., Dodge; and the south half of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Block 20, Dodge.
Richard J. Pruss and Colton Pruss, an undivided one-quarter interest in a tract of land located in the northwest quarter southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 20 North, Range 5, East of the 6th P.M., Dodge; and the south half of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Block 20, Dodge.
Lyle Lovelady and Connie Belak, co-personal representatives of the estate of James P. Belak Jr., deceased, to Luke Belak, 70 S. Maple St., Fremont.
Curtis Bridenstine to Michael A. Vacha and Cheryl K. Vacha, the south half of the southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 34, Township 20 North, Range 7 East of the 6th P.M., Dodge County, $420,000.
Marvin M. Smith and Dorothy R. Smith to Dillard V. Engdahl and Joshua Syrovatka, 301 S. Nebraska St., Hooper, $203,200.
Mark Coulter and Monica Coulter to Alexa Hansen and Neil Hansen, 2118 Park Place Drive, Fremont, $140,000.
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