VIP Partner

The following benefits are included:

• Participation on the Homebuyer Town Hall & Real Estate Round Table show - choose one show per month.
• Personal Page on the Power Is Now Website as VIP Agent
• One full Business Ad in the National Magazine
• One full Business Ad and One full Page Listing - Weekly Real Estate Magazine

Note: Payment for membership certifies that you agree to the terms and conditions of the VIP Agent Program. To review terms and conditions click below.

Secure Processing: Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.


  1. Use of the term Power Is Now VIP Agent. I understand that the brand identification and term Power Is Now VIP agent is a registered trademark of the Power Is Now media Inc., and the use of this trademark is subject to the Powers Is Now Media rules and regulations. I agree that I cannot use the trademark until my application is approved , and all my membership requirements are completed, and I am notified of membership approval. I further agree that should I cease to be a VIP agent , I will discontinue use of the term VIP agent and all certificates , signs, seals or any other medium.
  1. I understand that The Power Is Now Media orientation meeting is required for participation. I must complete orientation session prior to becoming an official member of the VIP agent program. Failure to satisfy The Power Is Now Media orientation requirements within two weeks or 14 days from the date of joining the VIP agent membership program will result in suspension of membership and forfeiture of the membership fee.
  1. Social Media Access. I agree to provide The Power Is Now Media Inc. editor or administrator access to all social media platforms used for real estate marketing purposes.  The Power Is Now Media broadcast and publishes all content on all social media platforms.  I understand that I must make the Power Is Media Inc. Social media managers and representatives  administrators of my social media accounts and I agree to have all shows broadcast on my social media page.
  1. License validity. I understand that if my real estate license is terminated, lapses are inactivated at any time , my VIP agent membership is subject to immediate termination. The VIP agent program is for license and full-time real estate professionals only.
  1. No refund. I understand that the VIP agent membership dues are nonrefundable. In the event I fail to maintain eligibility for membership for any reason, I understand I will not be entitled to a refund of my dues.
  1. Authorization to release and use information and Waiver: I authorized the Powers Is Now Media Inc., or its representatives to verify any information provided by me in the application process by any method including contacting the State Bureau of real estate , my current or past responsible broker or designated realtor where I held, or continue to hold, any employment. I further authorize my past employer or broker to release all my disciplinary records to The Power Is Now Media, including Information regarding all final findings of code of ethics violations, pending ethics complaints or hearings, unsatisfied discipline pending, pending arbitration request and any unpaid pending arbitration awards or financial obligations. I understand that any information gathered under this authorization may be used in evaluating my application for membership.  I waive any legal claim or cause of action against The Powers Is Now Media Inc., its agents, employees are members including but not limited to, slander, liable or defamation of character, that may arise from any action taken to verify, evaluate or process this application or other use of the information authorized and released here under.
  1. By paying for membership, I expressly authorized The Powers Is Now Media Inc., to fax, email, telephone, text or send by US Mail to me, at the fax numbers, email, telephone and text numbers and addresses above, for any and all power is now media Inc., communications, including but not limited to those for political purposes, or material advertising, or the availability of or quality of any property, goods or services offered, endorsed or promoted by the powers now media inc.


Acknowledgement section

I certify that I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of this application and that all information given in this application is true and correct. Furthermore, I take full responsibility for the content that I provide to The Powers Is Now Media Inc., for marketing purposes and that I will be financially responsible and timely with the payment of my membership dues.
