The Power is Now

Brazil: Validity of Real Estate Investment Visa Expanded, Among Other Improvements – Fragomen

A recently published resolution has expanded the validity of the Real Estate Investment Visa to four years, up from the previous two-year validity and relaxed several requirements. Foreign nationals who currently hold a Real Estate Investment Visa valid for two years must apply to the Ministry of Justice for a visa renewal, which will be granted for two additional years. After four years under the Real Estate Investment Visa, foreign nationals are eligible for indefinite residence. A key change in the resolution is that applicants no longer need to prove that their real estate investment has the potential to create jobs or generate income in Brazil. Additionally, visa holders must now stay in Brazil for at least 14 consecutive or cumulative days every two years (counted from the date of registration with the Federal Police). Previously, visa holders were required to stay in Brazil for 30 consecutive or cumulative days during the validity of the visa.  
