The Power is Now

Boulder residential real estate market in top five for showings per listing – Boulder Daily Camera

When it comes to the number of showings real estate agents will perform for each home on the market, Boulder is one the tops in the nation.

In January, each home sold in the city was shown an average of 17.33 times, good for fifth in the nation, according to a new report from ShowingTime Inc., a real estate technology company.

Indicative of the ongoing demand surge, Boulder’s showings-per-listing ratio in January was up 32% year over year.

“Given last year’s historic flurry of activity, it’s not surprising that buyers were motivated to meet their home ownership goals so shortly after the holidays,” ShowingTime vice president and general manager Michael Lane said in a prepared statement. “With buyer demand showing no sign of letting up, we remain committed to helping busy real estate professionals handle the ensuing surge in business, just as we did throughout last year.”

Denver, ranked No. 2 with a showings-per-listing ratio of 25.15, and Colorado Springs, ninth on the list with a 15.32 ratio, were also among ShowingTime’s busiest markets for showings.

This article was first published by BizWest, an independent news organization, and is published under a license agreement. © 2022 BizWest Media LLC.
