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Behind The Hype: What 5G Means for Real Estate

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Although the pandemic may have kept us from paying attention to the technology transition from 4G to 5G, 5G could change the game. The fifth generation of mobile networks, or 5G, follows 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks, a new international wireless standard. However, in order to connect practically everyone and everything, including machines, objects, and gadgets, 5G enables a new type of network.

The 5G wireless technology goal is to provide more users with faster multi-Gbps peak data rates, extremely low latency, enhanced reliability, vast network capacity, and a more consistent user experience. According to QUALCOMM, new user experiences are enabled by increased performance and efficiency, which also connects new industries.

Smart Homes

More gadgets, such as home thermostats, security cameras, and lightbulbs will be able to link over 5G for simultaneous monitoring. Adding more devices to a home will eliminate latency or overload problems prevalent with 4G or Wi-Fi networks. In addition, commercial building owners may discover that 5G enables immediate monitoring of their structures’ mechanical and electrical systems, enabling quicker reactions when issues arise, as predicted by the real estate magazine.

Improved Augmented Reality

Augmented reality, which includes superimposing text and images onto a real-world space, may become increasingly popular as a more interactive way to see homes now that almost all property investment shopping begins online. While seeing homes with a headset or smartphone, buyers might swap out furniture and decor elements in 3D. For instance, RealAR, an augmented reality business with an Australian base, provides an app that can transform building plans into 3D houses so customers can virtually tour residences.

Improved Construction Process

The capacity of 5G to advance Building Information Modelling (BIM) will likely be the biggest benefit for the building sector because it will increase the possibilities for completely confederated 6D Models and make it possible to create a cloud-based “digital twin.”

Throughout the building lifecycle, from concept design to decommissioning, this will promote more effective delivery, integration, and better decision-making. Additionally, earlier in the delivery process, clients will be able to “see and feel” their projects thanks to the construction of these models.

When combined with more bandwidth, improved network speeds could significantly improve the construction process. For instance, the remote usage of V.R. could help project teams communicate ideas in an agile environment, according to Deloitte’s 5G projection report.

Off-site Manufacturing

Additionally, the advent of 5G may see a rise in the usage of off-site manufacturing, the opening up of A.I. to optimize quality control and risk escalation procedures, and the expansion of 3D printing to produce common building components. It might enhance data storage, progress monitoring, and automated project management. Additionally, monitoring and tracing supply chain operations could promote “just in time” delivery and reduce corruption.

New Sources of Revenue.

Because 5G signals cover less ground than 4G ones, more antennae and boosters are needed. Therefore, commercial real estate investors, especially in big cities, may be able to open up new revenue streams by leasing rooftops.

According to Julio Gonzalez, CEO of Engineered Tax Services Inc., a company that assists in creating these leasing agreements, national and local telecom operators are seeking to install transmitters on rooftops over more blocks to expand the delivery of 5G services.

Depending on the population in the area, the monthly rent per rooftop and carrier might range from $2,500 to $20,000; Gonzalez notes that most of these leases have annual escalations of 2 percent to 4 percent. The leases might be for a period of 10 to 30 years, generating a consistent source of income.
