The Power is Now

3 Strategies for Real Estate Brokers to Optimize Recruiting Effective Agents –

To bring gifted, aspiring real estate agents into your fold requires a little finesse and a lot of strategy. But getting future real estate stars in the door can be easier than you think. Here are three effective ways to identify and retain top talent.

  1. Put diversity, equity and inclusion dynamics to work for you. The national real estate market serves people from different backgrounds and cultures. Do you have a diversified agent portfolio to support potential clients? If not, consider recruiting people who understand every community you serve (and hope to serve in the future). For example, Spanish-speaking agents may be more relatable to clients from Hispanic communities.

Finding recruits from diverse backgrounds may take a little more work on your part. Consider sourcing new agents at job fairs, events that celebrate diversity (think cultural celebrations) or through online community portals. Of course, make sure your internal corporate culture is one where all agents can freely express themselves. Therefore, everyone from the top down must work to create a culture of inclusivity.

  1. Stay connected with agents through education. You know the real estate industry well; you’ve been involved in it for a while now. And though new agents won’t have your expertise or knowledge, they’ll gain a huge advantage if you stay in touch as they move through their classes.

The more accessible you are via real estate agent recruiting tools—like Slack channels or virtual check-ins—the stronger your relationship will become. Help guide them away from making novice mistakes during their first deals, while also helping secure their first big wins. You’ll enjoy part of that success, too.

You don’t have to shoulder this responsibility alone. To connect with future recruits, explore networking opportunities with current school partners: Attend events that allow for student connection and communication, and share your wisdom and insights.

  1. Leverage technology to stay connected, fresh and relevant. By now, you know nothing will turn away a bright-eyed recruit faster than discovering that your brokerage doesn’t have vitality or personality online. Be sure you’re using up-to-date methods like video conferencing and social media to demonstrate your relevance in the market. The way you present your business will have a significant impact on new agents.

In a 2021 social media survey conducted by The Close, 79% of participants agreed that video marketing made agents stand out. Consequently, consider folding videos into your outreach with potential hires. Consider showcasing your use of trending technologies like Facebook Live tours as well. Through the use of real estate recruiting tools, show prospective agents how you’re going to help them launch a lucrative, successful career.

While not every potential agent will pass the exam or have the patience to wait for licensing bottlenecks, your pragmatism will help people make big strides toward a satisfying real estate career—and allow your brokerage to grow without the burden of unwanted turnover.

Tina Lapp is the head of customer experience and instruction for Colibri Real Estate. With nearly 30 years of professional education experience in the real estate sector, Lapp empowers aspiring and seasoned professionals to thrive in their careers.

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