Floor plans: a real estate agent’s secret superpower – RealTrends
The residential real estate market is no stranger to floor plans — they’re often part of the home-buying process, typically as a marketing asset on a listing. However, in recent months, floor plans have significantly increased in importance to the sale, moving from a nice-to-have to a must-have for real estate professionals. Why have floor […]
Maine’s commercial real estate market made big gains while workers stayed home – Bangor Daily News
The BDN is exploring Maine’s housing crisis from every possible angle, from how it affects home prices, to what it means for Mainers across the state. Read our ongoing coverage here and fill out this form to tell us what you want to know. Following a lackluster 2020, the commercial real estate market in Maine […]
Black Real Estate Professionals Recruit Black Appraisers to Combat Bias, Declare War on Black Homeownership Gap – Seattle Medium
• According to The Appraisal Institute, a global professional association of real estate appraisers, there are 78,000 appraisers in the U. S. which includes 85.4 percent White appraisers, but only 1.3 percent African-Americans. • According to the White House, which also recently announced a new anti-bias initiative for appraisals, “New research shows that mis-valuation in communities of […]
Metaverse & Blockchain Are Hottest Emerging Trends In Real Estate – National Mortgage Professional
Experts at the 2022 Realtors Legislative Meetings say metaverse and blockchain technology could have a significant impact on the future of real estate. Several hundred realtors attended Wednesday’s Emerging Business Issues and Technology Forum, which provided insight into the top emerging tech trends that are expected to have the biggest impact on the real estate […]
The real estate buying frenzy is over – Axios
Source: FactSet; Chart: Axios Visuals Looks like America’s home buying binge is winding down. There’s a vibe shift visible in both the official data and in the anecdata from sellers, buyers and brokers. Why it matters: This is just what Jerome Powell ordered. The slowdown means the Fed’s rate hikes are working — cooling demand in […]