The Power is Now

Floor plans: a real estate agent’s secret superpower – RealTrends

The residential real estate market is no stranger to floor plans — they’re often part of the home-buying process, typically as a marketing asset on a listing. However, in recent months, floor plans have significantly increased in importance to the sale, moving from a nice-to-have to a must-have for real estate professionals. Why have floor […]

Black Real Estate Professionals Recruit Black Appraisers to Combat Bias, Declare War on Black Homeownership Gap – Seattle Medium

• According to The Appraisal Institute, a global professional association of real estate appraisers, there are 78,000 appraisers in the U. S. which includes 85.4 percent White appraisers, but only 1.3 percent African-Americans.  • According to the White House, which also recently announced a new anti-bias initiative for appraisals, “New research shows that mis-valuation in communities of […]

The real estate buying frenzy is over – Axios

Source: FactSet; Chart: Axios Visuals Looks like America’s home buying binge is winding down. There’s a vibe shift visible in both the official data and in the anecdata from sellers, buyers and brokers. Why it matters: This is just what Jerome Powell ordered. The slowdown means the Fed’s rate hikes are working — cooling demand in […]
