The Power is Now

‘iBuyer’ buys into Richmond’s residential real estate scene – RichmondBizSense

CEO Nick Ron launched House Buyers of America in 2001. (Photos courtesy of House Buyers of America) Richmond’s hot housing market has attracted a new player that’s started buying up homes here as part of a national expansion. House Buyers of America, a 20-year-old company that offers an on-demand approach to selling a home, launched […]

Chabad bet on more than $137 million in real estate during COVID – The Jerusalem Post

Facing declining membership, a mainline Protestant congregation in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood listed its historic church complex for sale in the summer of last year. Church leaders were told it would take at least a year to complete the deal. But within days, an attractive offer came in, and a few months later the building’s $2.85 million sale […]

Must-Do Courses for Beginner Real Estate Investors – RealtyBizNews

Real estate is an excellent investment — but only if you know what you are doing. Knowledge and understanding are critical for building success as a real estate investor, but the traditional avenues for gaining such skill, i.e. buying a bunch of real estate and seeing what sticks, can be time-intensive, laborious and incredibly costly. […]

Real estate remains hot as temps cool – Explore Big Sky – Explore Big Sky

Gallatin County continues to see high median home prices and low inventory in the real estate market. According to the Gallatin Association of Realtors monthly real estate report, median home prices increased 24 percent from September 2020 to September 2021 and 42 percent for condo/townhouse homes. In Bozeman, the median sale price for a single-family […]

Why You Need To Dream Big In The Real Estate Business – Newsweek

Do you want to scale the ladder to the next level in your real estate business? Or are you tired of being average and are now ready to disrupt the industry? I want to share with you how to up your game when it comes to your real estate business. As they say, “It’s easier […]

Black homeowners become fastest growing group in real estate – Spectrum News

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Brieauna Williams and her husband are a part of the fastest growing group in the U.S. real estate market – Black homeowners.  What You Need To Know Housing discrimination dates back to before the 1930s, when redlining was legal Black neighborhoods saw a higher jump in property values in Mecklenburg’s 2016 property revaluation While […]
