The Power is Now

Real estate boom continues; inventory remains short – Journal Record

Journal Record Editor Joe Dowd, top left, discusses real estate market challenges with Monty Strickland of Realty Experts and Angelena Harris of Spearhead Realty. (JR screenshot) OKLAHOMA CITY – Some places people are calling home today have changed in response to market challenges. “We’re seeing a lot of changes in what people are buying and […]

Real Estate Rockstars 2021 – C&M Real Estate – Full-Service… – Volume One

Matchmaking — in matters of the heart or the home — isn’t always easy, which is why C&M Real Estate relies on its team’s experience and extensive relationships in the Chippewa Valley to help with every step of the process. “I don’t think there are too many other people in town who can offer what we can,” […]

Real Estate Rockstars 2021 – Trillium Commercial Realty -… – Volume One

“Pretty much everything we help our clients with, we’ve done personally,” says Knepper, who — like Tanner — is a lifelong Chippewa Valley resident. During a recent conversation in Trillium’s office, Tanner recalled a phone call from a residential real estate agent wondering why a commercial property was priced the way it was. Tanner began […]
