Real estate transactions for Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021 | Business & Economy | – Quad City Times
Following are seller, buyer, property description and price of property. Note: price is an estimate based on revenue stamps that are bought from the county. HENRY COUNTY WARRANTY DEEDS Nimrick, Jack Allen, to Slusser, Julia S., the south 75 feet of Lot 10 in Block 5 of Tenney’s First Addition to the City of Kewanee, […]
Real estate transactions for Aug. 15, 2021 | Business Local | – Roanoke Times
{{featured_button_text}} The Roanoke Times lists real estate transfers from the Roanoke Valley weekly as a matter of public record. Over $300,000 Baker, Gregory S. and Mary Ellen C. Baker to Daryl G. Slusher and Adelia M. Mancias, 2616 Stephenson Ave. S.W. Roanoke VA 24014, $330,000 07/30/2021. Butler, Kimberly M. to Nathaniel C. Linger and Lisa […]
Jefferson County real estate values up 10.5 percent, personal property assessments up 12.7 percent – Leader Publications
The economic health of Jefferson County is good, if the results of a recent reassessment of real estate and personal property is any indication. Jefferson County Assessor Bob Boyer said his office’s work over the last few months shows that real estate in the county has increased in value by 10.5 percent over the last […]
Real Estate newsletter: Once Upon a Time in … Los Feliz – Los Angeles Times
Welcome back to the Real Estate newsletter, which hits your inbox after a week in which some spaces found new life, while others were marked for death. But first, here’s what the celebs are selling. The week’s splashiest headline came by way of Leonardo DiCaprio. The “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” star made a […]
Real estate transfers July 17-23 – Massillon Independent
Bethlehem Township Brakefield Daniel A from Godby Cynthia S & Winkhart Cynthia S, parcel 1200660 Canal St W, $1,000. Coleman Pamela K from Cutcher Donna M, 88 A St SW Nav Vil, $18,555. Grace Eric E & Ashley M from Durbin Brian D, 10488 Riverland St, $40,000. Graham Richard S & Rosann G from Shetler […]
Proptech Changing the Face of Real Estate? –
Proptech applications are swiftly growing in real estate as the industry looks to implement a new generation of innovation to simplify processes and create a competitive advantage. The Urban Land Institute, in partnership with Goodwin, recently released a report—Proptech: Changing the Way Real Estate Is Done—to help the industry understand how companies are integrating this […]