What Does the Future Hold For Commercial Real Estate and Office Buildings in MetroWest? – framinghamsource.com
Share, email, print, bookmark SOURCE reports. By Caroline Lanni *** FRAMINGHAM – The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted and changed how many work. People find themselves working from home instead of driving into the City to office buildings. And that change has significantly impacted the commercial real estate market in MetroWest and Greater Framingham. Many individuals […]
Real Estate Round Table with Patty Arvielo
Eastern area real estate transactions for the week of May 30, 2021 – TribLIVE
Delmont Estate of Evelyn Grubich sold property at 216 Freeport St. to Glenn and Linda Jobe for $19,500. Forest Hills James Conte sold property at 202 Glasgow Road to Michael Gasior for $100,000. Monroeville Frances Mitchell sold property at 1354 Foxboro Drive to Kyle Reese for $175,000. Stephanie Sapp sold property at 1251 Harvest Drive […]
Worcester County real estate transfers, May 30 – Worcester Telegram
Ashburnham $250,000, 60 Stowell Rd, Paris, Richard S, and Tomoda, Jane E, to Leach, David W, and Leach, Susan R. $237,000, 12 Cobb Rd, Mei, David J, to Gelski, Lynn C, and Gelski, Stephanie L. $25,000, Pine Ave, Champagne, George A, to Earth Land Dev LLC. $25,000, Pine Ave, Champagne, George A, to Earth Land […]
Summit County’s runaway real estate pricing has shifted buying trends, & added extra challenges for locals – Summit Daily News
The explosive escalation of real estate sales in Summit County – and all of Colorado’s Central Rockies – has continued to astound and amaze both real estate experts and longtime locals. Prices and transactions are at an all-time high and show few signs of slowing, even as last year’s pandemic-inspired buying spree shifts gears. Debbie […]