The Power is Now

Real Estate – April 6 – Greenfield Daily Reporter

The following real estate transfers were recorded recently in the Hancock County Recorder’s Office: March 10 Grand Communities LLC to Fischer Homes Indianapolis II LLC, 5476 N. Woodside Court, McCordsville, $65,741. Randall and Paula Gardner to David L. DeCamp, 1228 S. Buttercup Drive, Sugar Creek Township, $269,900. Sean J. and Andrea N. Nix to Francis […]

Apartment Rents Hit the Biggest Growth Spurt Since 2019

Homeownership Program

Since it began in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on rental markets in the United States. Measures which have served to combat the COVID-19 virus, such as physical distancing, have led to a shift in what individuals and families look for in apartments. Asides that, the economic effects of the pandemic meant […]
